short INTRO

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kota bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
salam.ukhuwah(: nik haneez amizan bt. nik rosdi.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

INNOrace (:

assalamualaikum.. kembali kite ke rancangan kite pd mlm ini sekali lagi pd waktu yg same..... erk? ok lahh, salah skrip. hello kawan! hehe hari ini mahu kecek psl innorace, event yg sy join pd hari sabtu, 7mei, kelmarin. wahh xtao nk or xbest, xtaolahh. but i'll really enjoy it at the end. chukhaey, nikneez!  :D
meh cucicuci mato dlu sblum pnjgkan critanya (:
gangz! :D

kami (:

kepenatan..mkn2 cket (:

friends =]
kimono? booth jepung :)

 tao tak ape itu INNOrace kawan kawan? aduhh, herm dy mcm explorace la, buat pduk inovasi then, start jln2 smbil jwb soalan. ohh yea, event ni kt jeli, so, kteorg pun naek la van g sane. 10 org 1 van. sempit duduk cam ikan sardin. aku? end up duk ats lantai van je. lenguh kottt. tp xpelahh. asal selamat smpai.thanks a lot 2 my lovely parents kerana sudi handle bnde2 ney sume. hehe.
ohh, smpae sne, duk la kt aspuri smk jeli. ok laa, not worst, but bad je. haha x reti nk bsyukur lgsg! yelaa, mlm tu hdung asyek wat msalah je sbabnye debu yg sgt tebal! grrr. alahai hidung. ;(
ohh tp kan, grup laki (geng karisma) lg kesian, ble tgk gmb kt pesbuk, air kuning kuning. shocking yellow! siyenyooo sep mungggg! hehe. SORRY!
err mlm b4 tdur, smpat la diskas ngm ina, tania, amy psl pduk yg nk direkacipta esok 2.. bla3..
pg sabtu tu, stat ngm senamrobikk. ore duk exercise, kito duk kalut ambek gmb! haha lantak pi laaa~ ohh sep jate buleh tnyo aku, nk wak gapo phney? dy xdop sedio barey ko ko kito? haiyaa alongg, awal2 aku pesan suh baco syarat2 tuh mu baco dop? DOODLES sumguh! haha xtahulah gano sep dy 2.. tp last2, ohanna kaloh (rc-troli), zealous pun kaloh(rc-rakbuku).doodles? apatah lagi(rc-unknown)~ :p
abes je buat pduk, trus stat perjalanan. buat bodohbodoh je. kesnye kumpulan aku diskolifaid. buduss. kesnye, ade anak2 papa join innorace. sheep btolla. ;(
tp xpe, maen je dlu.. 2.5 km jalanjalan jwb soalan, smpailaa. chup, x gusukk deh ambo! hahaha ade 10 soalan, saloh 3 4 la lbeyh kurang. sep2 zealous (wani, zati, kakkemm, nija n sha) saloh 2 je. dgn hrpn bole mng pd mulanya n sep doodles (asri, along, rajo, shatri, medey) i x tahuu..
last2 masuk dwan, tumgu org berucap, ble tibe penyampaian adiah, debar neyy debar. kot2 la ado sep kito meney.,, PUKKKKKK kalohh~ xd0p adioh gapo2.. balik sajo2. huhuhu xpola xpo.... but we're really enjoy that day rite? thanks to my grupie, (nikneez, gg, amy, ina, anya).. <3
kalu ade event2 gnie lg, do invite me.. ehee. sekian (:

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